Resources For families with dogs and babies!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

You have a WHAT!?!

Yes, I have 4 wonderful rescued dogs that were miserably failed by people. They adore, trust and share their love with our family everyday. Labels of people or dogs do more harm then good. The old...can't judge a book from it's cover is so true. We must look at each individual person and dog and not stereo type and judge based on a label.

Without any one of these dogs our life would not be nearly as fun, furry or filled with LOVE! Just my thoughts for today. Don't be a breedist....get to know the unique individual and your life may just become more amazing. I am so glad that my dogs did not lump me in with all the other humans that failed them. We have alot to learn from them!


Anonymous said...

You have a lovely furry family :)

We have a cat, a Pit Bull, a Belgian Malinois, and a two year old girl. I can't imagine life without them.

Anonymous said...

You have a lovely furry family :)

We have a two-year-old girl, a Pit Bull, a Belgian Malinois, and a cat. I can't imagine life without them.