We are having the call again due to requests! Join us the 29th at 8pm ET
The holidays are comingI We invite you to take a moment and think about the dogs you and your family may encounter over the holidays.
This conference call is intended to decrease stress for you and the dogs you share the holidays with. You might be wondering what kind of stress could your dog possibly have? Visiting kids, lots of yummy food, visiting adults change in routines and so much excitement. This can be a challenge for even the calmest of dogs. Set you and your canine family member up for success by joining us for this free information session packed with tips to make "home for the holidays" safe for your entire family!
Topics included:
1. Calming the chaos for your dog if you are expecting many guest...especially small children.
2. What to consider when you and your kids visit a home with dogs.
3. Common situations that can be challenging for both kids and dogs during family gatherings.
4. Keeping your dog safe from holiday dangers
5. Simple tips to keep your dog occupied and comfortable as you prepare for the big day.
and more!
What questions do you have? Do you have a story to share about an experience that might help others? If so please join us!
When: Monday the 29th at 8pm ET to 9pm ET
Here is the number to call to join us
conference id 8099414
Who is conducting the call? Jennifer Shryock
Who is this information perfect for?
1. Grandparents and family members who have a dog and are expecting many guests.
2. Parents who are taking their children to a home where there is a family dog.
3. Anyone who is interested in learning helpful tips to pass along to others!
Please email me any questions you may have or like to see discussed on the call.
info @ dogsandstorks.com
I look forward to Monday night!