Resources For families with dogs and babies!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Dog and Baby Connection (DABC)

I am very excited to have held the first Dog and Baby Connections class today at our local hospital.  This is the next necessary step towards dog and child safety awareness.  Many families with dogs now know to look for resources as they prepare for baby but....what about after?  That is when the challenge, frustrations and fun really begins.  The actual introductory phase usually goes rather smoothly and may lead families to assume that means "happily ever after."   That may be the case but more often it is common to see discomfort in family dogs once the little one gets moving. That is where the Dog and Baby Connection comes in.    This program discusses the most common challenges and frustrations hundreds of families have communicated to me over the years.  Our emphasis is on a positive, practical and preventive approach that all families can put into action in their homes.  
The Dog and Baby Connection has 30 licensed presenters at this time and will be adding more very soon.  We will also be offering a short condensed version of the presentation as a webinar to reach more families and help raise awareness.  Stay tuned for those event dates.  All of our presenters must go through training about the concepts in the program and ALL have a solid background in dog behavior as well as other areas.  We are very proud of our team and look forward to supporting many families as they grow.  Education for prevention and success!

I invite you to visit our site and look at what's new.  Our site is still being fully constructed so there are new things appearing daily!

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